

“ときめきを届ける”女の子向け情報メディア、『Lafary(ラファリー)』が手掛ける通販サイト『Lafary Shop(ラファリーショップ)』❤︎ 量産型ヲタクさんや地雷系の女の子にぴったりなアクセサリーなどのファッション小物やサンリオキャラクターの雑貨やインテリアを販売しています❤︎

Are you wondering what kind of meetups yumekawa fans have? ( *´艸`)


How do you find fellow fairy kei friends? Will you get along?

If this sounds familiar, then this article is for you☆


Let’s investigate an English fairy kei offline-meetup♡

In London, England, there is two offline fairy kei meetups a year, in both Summer and Winter – The one in Febuary 2016 was called “Fairy Kei Meet in London”☆

They discover one another through social media like Facebook and Tumblr♪

Through YouTube, we can even join in with their meetup♪

The British fairies have fun taking us through their favourite dreamy shops♡


☆ ~ Fairy Kei Meet London 2016 ~ ☆

☆Fairy Kei meet in London☆ | Ghosttraveler


Fairy Kei Meet London ~ VLOG ♡

☆Fairy Kei Meet in London + interviews!☆


The yumekawa fairy coords are all on point! ♡

On the 18th of February 2017, the London fairy kei community held another meetup♪

Our translator Amy-chan will be attending and writing a report especially for Lafary, so look forwards to it☆


“ときめきを届ける”女の子向け情報メディア、『Lafary(ラファリー)』が手掛ける通販サイト『Lafary Shop(ラファリーショップ)』❤︎

